30 Years

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30 Years – As we sit here …

Seems like only yesterday that we were strolling down memory lane sorting through the scrapbooks and sharing stories with you about the early days. And then wow, corona happened and everything changed. What a crazy few weeks this has been. For all of us. Everybody is working from home, we are waiting in line to

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30 Years….Road Rally!

“You know what you need?” said any number of well intentioned patrons who would drop by the Duck in our earliest days. “No” I would sigh.  “What do we need?” The list was long and one of the most common “needs” was a place to put your foot while leaning against the bar. Little did

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30 Years…$29 per month 29¢ per minute

I may have mentioned in previous ramblings either one or the other of us had to be present at the Duck from the moment we opened until closing time.  When I would have to leave to do the banking or TWWNCNBUIP would take off for St. Vincent’s to pick up our twelve year old kitchen

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30 Years…duck love

After 30 years we have a few stories to tell, but some stories are best told by others…. Dustin’s story None of us were supposed to be at the Mucky Duck that night, but we were. I had just spent the day in College Station studying for an exam. A friend and I decided to

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30 Years…I heard it through the grapevine.

“I heard it through the grapevine” could have been our theme song during the six short weeks that passed from the time we signed our lease until June 1st, our “official” opening day. We hadn’t the time nor the energy to spread our own word about the Duck and there was no internet, Instagram or Facebook back then,

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30 Years…are we there yet?

Are we there yet? Seemed like every day (actually, it was every day) Barbara, our neighbor who worked in the offices across the street, you know, the ones on the second level, whose darkened windows face our front door, would drop by and ask, “Are you ready yet?” “Well, we still have to put another

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30 Years…licenses, permits and fees, oh my.

Who knew you could become a frequent flyer and never leave the ground? Well apparently if you make enough trips to Home Depot and Ace Mart that can happen. (thanks Southwest!) We also became “regulars” at City Hall fetching the all the permits and licenses that allowed us to hang our sign, use a a

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30 Years…Vice Raid

Before the ink had dried on our new five year lease (five years! wow we were optimistic, weren’t we?) we were in our new building getting ready to turn it into our very own public house and music venue.  Our new landlords had given us permission to remove the walls that had separated the space

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30 Years … I may have mentioned ..

As I may have mentioned in previous ramblings either one or the other of us had to be present at the Duck from the moment the opened until closing time.  When I would have to leave to do the banking or TWWNCNBUIP would take off for St. Vincent’s to pick up the twelve year old

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30 Years…location, location, location

Awww, you guys.  You make me feel so loved.  All of your notes and emails in regards to last week’s email has brought back so many memories. Please keep them coming…you have reminded me of so many good times. Like did I ever tell you about the duck hunting day when we actually spotted the

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