…. ever heard of the Rusty Nail?”

July 2, 2013

Our desire to return to Miami was greater than our desire to explore Key West further so TWWNCBUIP got busy with TripAdvisor and the telephone and was lucky enough to score an incredible deal at the Fontainebleau Hotel on South Beach in Miami. Garrett had been perusing the internet where he had discovered this Miami

…. I can buy 3 new pair for $9.50!

June 30, 2013

The best beginning of a day since yesterday. Breakfast by the palm lined pool at the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables. Then …. out the door and off to the beach. South Beach!  We are such rookies that we didn’t even know that it was supposed to be tough to find a place to park

.. the big game ….

June 22, 2013

St. Augustine, is the oldest city in the USA. That’s what they say. Home of the oldest tee-shirt shop, the oldest fort, the oldest just about everything AND the million dollar man, made of shredded money which just happens to be in the original Ripley’s Believe it or Not Museum and Odditorium It’s worth maybe

Dr. Pepper marinated short rib tacos ….

June 21, 2013

We woke up slow in Charleston, seems like we are getting more slow and easy-going the further South we get.  With only a two-hour drive to get to Savannah and a noon reservation for lunch we opted to skip the bacon and biscuits for breakfast and chose instead the Charleston House homemade yogurt and farm

letting the cat out of the bag

June 19, 2013

The pirate was late. Perhaps he had overslept because he was groggy, thought I. I was still thinking up funny reasons that he might be late when Pirate Eric appeared with Cap’t Bob, his chatty parrot, perched on his arm. Quite a sight, a pirate wearing a pistol, a sword and a parrot. You’ve got

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