All loaded up at Southwest ..

September 16, 2015

I should be planning the itinerary for tonight in Nashville, but this is just too good….

Hot Chicken in East Nashville

September 14, 2015

I haven’t even packed and my head’s already in Tennessee.

Meanwhile back in Nashville… Discover our Live Music Venue & Irish Pub in Houston TX

It’s time again to return to my favorite boondoggle – the Americana Music Awards and Music Awards. We get to stay in the coolest hotel in Nashville – the Hermitage, drink their version of a Moscow Mule (the Jack Mule) in the Oak Bar, have fried green tomatoes for breakfast before attending the music seminars.

It started with Paris …

December 9, 2014

I’ve been telling TWWNCBUIP about “my” experience on our Air France flight to Italy two years ago when I had three meals, ice cream, cookies, hot towels, French wine and espresso while she slept through it all. Every few minutes I was offered some goody or another and I took my share as well TWWNCBUIP’s (in

…. excited about getting their Muggles passes

July 2, 2013

Thirty years later and the monorail was right where I remembered it to be. However there are many more steps between the Monorail and the rides than I recalled. Yes, the monorail does connect the Contemporary Village and Polynesian Village to the Magic Kingdom, however we now have Hollywood Studios, Animal Kingdom and Epcot Center

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